White Oak School Reunion

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Elizabethtown Baptist Church

Attendees Roster

Welcome to our 12TH Reunion


Thank each of you for taking the time to gather today. White Oak was an important part of most of our lives and it is a real pleasure to again see and fellowship with each other.  We have come from different states, from all over North Carolina, and at some trouble to be here, but I think it is worth the effort!  Many of our classmates, teachers and friends are no longer with us, but we take time to remember them.  This event started in 1995 with several classes joining to stage the first, and so much interest was created, another was held in 1996, expanding to include everyone with a connection to the school, and it was decided to make it a bi-annual affair.  In 2010 we changed to an annual event.  This year over 200 have come, indicating a continued interest.  257 attended in 1995 and 447 in 1996, and the smallest attendance was last year with 177.  Without a change, it appears that the next one will be

Saturday, August 9, 2014.

Our list includes 692 names, of which some are deceased and many contain no or bad address information.  The list of known deceased is 272.  Any information to update this list will be welcomed, and should be sent to me, David.

Please join us on Facebook at White Oak School- White Oak, NC, and post any information of interest.

To view list of attendance, click  WOAttend2013