Thank each of you for taking the time to gather today, at White Oak Gym, restored largely by members and friends of White Oak Baptist Church. White Oak was an important part of most of our lives and it is a real pleasure to again see and fellowship with each other.  We have come from different states, from all over North Carolina, and at some trouble to be here, but I think it is worth the effort!  Many of our classmates, teachers and friends are no longer with us, but we take time to remember them.  This event started in 1995 with several classes joining to stage the first, and so much interest was created, another was held in 1996, expanding to include everyone with a connection to the school, and it was decided to make it a bi-annual affair.  In 2010 we changed to an annual event.  This year over 228 have come, indicating a continued interest.  257 attended in 1995 and 447 in 1996, and the smallest attendance was 2012 with 177.  More than 20 of today’s attendees have never attended. There are at least 14 who have attended each time. Toby never missed one, and was very concerned that he make it this time.  He was instrumental and very active in the establishment and continuation of this event.  Our next event, without change is scheduled for

Saturday, August 13, 2016.

Our list includes 673, up from 647 last year, names, of which some are deceased and many contain no or bad address information.  The list of known deceased is 392, up from 296.  Any information to update this list will be welcomed, and should be sent to me, David.

Please join us on Facebook at White Oak School- White Oak, NC, and post any information of interest.


Ada Ruth Smith Shaw       Gloria Coble Smith             Glynda Burney McLamb

Pat Cain Coble                     Ruth Livingston Fann        Virginia Register Bullard

Laurie Robeson Smith       Arnold ‘Toby’ Dew             Danny Devane

David Coble

Your help in creating and maintaining a data record of White Oak School is greatly appreciated.  The original goal of this file was to record only a list of people attending the first reunion in 1995, with their name, address, spouse name, senior year.  When another was planned the next year, I decided to use same file and preserve attendance record for the first, so new fields were added to do this. This has been done for each reunion, and the scope increased to include any persons that ever attended, worked or taught at White Oak. Fields were added to record deceased and date of death, email address, phone number.  This allows all types of data and statistics to be pulled, including list of attendance any year, deceased by name or date, etc.  The fact is that this information is so incomplete because it is difficult to obtain.  More changes have been added during the last six months than the previous twenty years.

You can help with this information!  You can access much of the information online!  If you observe family, friends or others that should be included and you provide the information to me, I will happily add it or correct the existing data.  You may post it to White Oak School – White Oak, NC  face book page, my face book, email it to dcoble733@gmail.com, or mail it to 118 E Nance St, Whiteville, NC 28472, call 910-770-0807.  I also try to maintain information on my website www.waccamawstorage.com just follow the White Oak School link.

Information needed is Name, maiden name( for girls), address, phone number, email address, senior year (whether or not at White Oak), spouse’s name, and if not a student, your relationship to White Oak, ie  employee, teacher, principal, or guest.

Any suggestions for a better data are welcome.  Request for statistical information will be considered.

Financial support for ongoing maintenance of the restored White Oak Gym, to White Oak Baptist church will be a great tribute to time spent at Old White Oak.

To view the attendance list click the link.      WOAttend2015